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The Villisca Historical Society, Inc. is Officially Formed

October 2, 2006

The Villisca Historical Society, Inc. has received word from the Internal Revenue service of approval for 501c.3. nonprofit status. Villisca Historical Society, Inc. is now a fully recognized public charity. Contributions received are fully tax- deductible.  We can apply for public grant monies as a recognized public entity.  We can legitimately receive important documents and artifacts that represent Villisca’s unique history.  A full-fledged campaign drive for new memberships is currently underway.

The first annual meeting will be held in January, time and place to be announced.  The Incorporation has been complete for over a year now.  Thanks to the many who responded to our plea for start-up memberships so that we could complete the elaborate process of applying for the 501C3 status  We may now proceed to seek acquisitions and a building for housing our displays and carrying out programs.  Many have toured the wonderful Montgomery County Historical Society building with its displays. Villisca can have a similar facility; that is our dream. Currently displays may be seen at City Hall and the Meeting Room downstairs in the Public Library.

Our mission statement says: The Villisca Historical Society, Inc. shall collect, preserve, interpret and display artifacts, photographs and documents to shed light on the natural, civil and political history of the city of Villisca, Iowa.  It will develop programs and services to promote public awareness, scholarly research and appreciation of Villisca’s unique history. This society will foster excellence in leadership and historical inquiry, believing that an understanding of the past illuminates the present and gives vision for the future.

Introductory annual memberships are $10 for individuals, $25 for families. .Any person who donates money or artifacts to this endeavor will receive a quarterly newsletter.  For more information contact Mary Hansen, 113 West 5th Street, Villisca 50864 or telephone 712.826.4270 (voicemail) or e.mail mhansen439@netins.net



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